Under Lake Macquarie Local Environmental Plan 2014 the land is zoned E4 Environmental Living.
Yes. A dwelling house is permissible with development consent.
Section 2.12 of the Munibung Hill Speers Point Quarry Precinct Area Plan contained in Part 12 of the 2014 Lake Macquarie Development Control Plan (LMDCP) confirms that the street setback, side setback and rear setback applying to the land is the same as which applies to all R2 Low Density Residential zoned land as set out in sections 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 of Part 3 of LMDCP. Click the following link for more information on setbacks.
Please see ‘Lake Macquire Development Control Plan’ below.
The land has been remediated in accordance with the Remediation Action Plan (RAP) approved by Lake Macquarie City Council and the NSW EPA Accredited Site Auditor. The contamination previously impacting the land was primarily atmospheric deriving from the adjacent smelter. In addition, some stockpiling of other material had occurred on the land. The expert environmental scientist has determined that the contamination was not deemed to be high risk and the impacts were limited to shallow soils. These shallow soils have now been placed into a containment cell located more than 5 metres below finished surface level and covered with orange geofabric and at least 5 metres of clean compacted fill. The NSW EPA Accredited Site Auditor has confirmed that the land has been remediated in accordance with the RAP and is now suitable for residential development.
The land is expected to have a Site Classification of either M or H1. A final Site Classification will be made available prior to registration.
Yes. Please refer to the ‘BAL Plan’ and ‘BAL Construction Requirements’ below.
Natural gas
Underground electricity
21 days after registration of the plan of subdivision.